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Home ? For New Users ? Thinking of buying Muvizu-a few questions.

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19/04/2016 09:57:32

Posts: 18
Hello folks,
Have downloaded the trial version of Muvizu to see if I like it, rather limited in its missing so much stuff compared to paid version, would have expected to see at least one scene in it, but seems to have none.
Thanks Pat Marr for informing me about this software on another forum..
Anyways a few question if that is ok.
1 what usually is the best time to buy, as I don't really want to take the leap and then find that almost immediately another version is available that I have to upgrade to? Is the current version not out long or is it better to wait a while.
2 is there a lot of user content available for Muvizu, I do notice that there are some official add on packs, but would prefer if there was user content that is royalty free to use as well.
Sorry for all the questions.

20/04/2016 20:59:27

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
musiclover wrote:
Hello folks,
Have downloaded the trial version of Muvizu to see if I like it, rather limited in its missing so much stuff compared to paid version, would have expected to see at least one scene in it, but seems to have none.

It comes with lots of resources to build MANY scenes, but that might not be obvious at first look.

If you set aside a block of time and watch all the tutorials (they're very short, and it doesn't take long to watch them all) you'll have a good idea of what to expect and how to proceed with this software. If it's scenes you want, the Store has plenty of user created free ones that you can load and re-purpose.

Thanks Pat Marr for informing me about this software on another forum..

I'm happy to see you here, and I hope you enjoy this software as much as I do!

Anyways a few question if that is ok.
1 what usually is the best time to buy, as I don't really want to take the leap and then find that almost immediately another version is available that I have to upgrade to? Is the current version not out long or is it better to wait a while.

I'm not aware of any good reason to wait... the price for the full product is amazingly affordable, and once you've bought it, upgrades for the program are free and may occur multiple times in the course of a year. So, in a nutshell.. the best time to buy is NOW! The sooner the better! Let the fun begin!

2 is there a lot of user content available for Muvizu,

YES!! One of the strengths of this software is its very active, talented and generous user base! And also the official add-on packs offered by Muvizu are surprisingly inexpensive, so there's very little reason not to buy everything you can before they realize how underpriced Muvizu is and quadruple the price!

I do notice that there are some official add on packs, but would prefer if there was user content that is royalty free to use as well.

That's a good question.. I've never noticed any copyright restrictions posted on any of the user created sets. If you use one of the free user created sets, It's good practice to mention the creator in your credits; but you'd probably want to read the SET descriptions on an individual basis to see if it is offered freely or with restrictions.

Sorry for all the questions.


Please don't apologize for asking questions... I think you'll find this forum to be an oasis of friendliness.
20/04/2016 21:43:25

Posts: 45
Welcome to the Neighborhood musiclover. The price for Muvizu and it's add on packs is more than fair for such great software. I echo all that PatMarrNC said. This forum has a lot of great people that will help, from doing Voice Overs to teaching. I have MuvizuPlay+, Moviestorm MAX, iClone 6 Pro. My favorite is Muvizu. Muvizu has hundreds of free sets and props. If you look you'll see that your neighbors are still making and sharing SETS and PROPS. Definitely follow Pats advice about the Tutorials. Hope this helps.

20/04/2016 23:22:10

Posts: 18
Thanks a lot guys for the welcome and replies.
Very interesting software indeed, I will have a look at more of the tutorials but so far I am impressed with what I have seen and all the helpful people on here.
21/04/2016 17:54:22

Posts: 18
Well bought the software and the Chinese history content, got everything working fine on windows 7 32 bit, only problem is loading the Chinese courtyard scene crashes the program when about 70% loaded. All the other scenes seem to load fine.
As computer has only 4gb ram probably a little underpowered but as its 32 bit OS it can't use any more anyways, do have an AMD quad core cpu.
Not it's time to get looking at a few tutorials to get my head around the program.
Thanks a lot to everybody for all the help
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Home ? For New Users ? Thinking of buying Muvizu-a few questions.