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Home ? Muvizu Brasil ? Duvida sobre Reativar o programa...

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23/05/2016 00:49:23

Posts: 1
Pessoal tdo bem...

Eu tive problemas com meu computador e tive que formata-lo. Instalei novamente o Muvizu mas agora não to conseguindo ativar novamente o programa... como faço pra ativar novamente??... fiz a compra e tirei ate um print do código mas não consigo ativar denovo...
23/05/2016 07:21:59

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
You have to go to then click inside the box with your code in, and do ctrl+a to select everything in the box. Then do ctrl+c to copy everything. Go to Muvizu File-->Upgrade-->Enter code, and it should read it in.

If you get error W0 then try disabling your firewall.
If you get error E2 then try running Muvizu as an administrator
If you get error W2 then you need to ask support to re-activate your licence.
edited by MrDrWho13 on 23/05/2016
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Home ? Muvizu Brasil ? Duvida sobre Reativar o programa...