Just a Clock

Just a Clock

by JanT
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A simple clock modelled in Blender 2.68.

Have included the UV template. (The cluster of objects in bottom right corner of the template is the collision. object. I set the colour for this to 000000 with opacity of 10%)

Clock modelled from a YouTube tutorial by tutor4u.

clock, muvizu, object

Comments (3)

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  1. JanT
    • JanT - Over a year ago
    • I had no idea lol

      Yes I roughly mapped the collision object because I thought all components needed at least some sort of map and gave it a texture for the exact same reason.

      I now know different. Thank you :)
  2. JanT
    • JanT - Over a year ago
    • Okay, thank you :)
  3. JanT
    • JanT - Over a year ago
    • Yes, @Dwarf, I followed the tutorial on YouTube. The tutorial is by tutor4u. :) Apologies for the late response, have only just found my password for this site.