fullmetall - all messages by user

2012/11/15 17:44:45
Android hi everybody,
Muvizu is that the website is compatible with android, I wanted to connect at noon, via android HTC, and nothing appears no way to see the forum or something else, my version is perhaps not up to date ....
edited by fullmetall on 15/11/2012
2012/11/12 20:35:40
My first clip "Face a ta mére" Darkfredor wrote:
Merci les gars,
Je vais suivre vos conseil pour les prochains clips.
A propos Fullmetall,
si il crois que ta musique a un copyright c'est que tu dois pas mal touché en MAO,non et que le son dois pas être si mauvais que sa?
Donc si j'ai besoin d'un compositeur pour un éventuel future clip...
Je te le fais savoir,et si sa te dis en contre partie si tu as besoin d'un truc en 3D je te le fabrique en Deux deux...
Une Main lave l'autre comme disais mon pote le manchot...^^

pas de problème tu fouilles sur mon site youtube ou sur mon profil Muvizu et tu prends ce qui te conviens, si il te faut une version 450KBS tu me le dis et je vois ce que je peux faire
ps je ne suis pas musicien @++
2012/11/12 20:24:35
My first clip "Face a ta mére" Jamie wrote:
oui... Big Grin

what ??? (Monty Python french castel)

2012/11/12 12:46:31
My first clip "Face a ta mére" "Cela dit, Muvizu refuse d'héberger les anims avec musiques sous copyright"
alors, voila pourquoi je passe ma musique de daube, plus de problème de copyright et surtout plus de pub sur mes vidéos, on peut s'amuser tranquillement dans les bas fonds de Youtube sans avoir a justifier d'un copyright stupide, pire encore Dailymotion a pretendu que ma propre musique était soumise a copyright quand j'ai essayé d'ouvrir un compte chez eux.
bref pour avoir une vidéo propre et sans pub il faut tout se fabriquer, c'est un peu plus long, pas forcement audible, mais avec Muvizu c'est un amusement garanti.
En fait on peut laisser le fil en français, car je pense que le HQ Muvizu est tres favorable au multiculturel
ce site permet une traduction plus pointue http://www.reverso.net/text_translation.aspx?lang=EN et si ils veulent comprendre, et bien il font comme moi, ils s'en servent, et ils verront que d'ecrire en version cockney sans ponctuation et sans grammaire académique, rien ne peut se traduire ....
Darkfredor ton clip est excellent.
2012/11/5 17:43:54
Cushy Butterfield Great Toon Toonarama! lol Great Toon Toonarama! lol Great Toon Toonarama! lol Great Toon Toonarama! lol Great Toon Toonarama! lol Great Toon Toonarama! lol Great Toon Toonarama! lol
2012/11/5 17:40:37
horse needed! this approach is very interesting, i cannot do that, but if we have a lots of animals in Muvizu i thing is better, dont forgot chimeras and mythological " bestiaire" Muvizu final Fantasy why not
2012/11/4 19:42:40
Punk Clip mmmh Dark fredo
this is good, but your vidéo

is very good , no sens in English but in French is a very good parody
welcome dark fredo
i take your channel
2012/11/3 19:16:27
My thinkings mmmh,

Map editor
Clothes editor
Character's editor
morphing editor etc...
Same a game player
2012/11/2 22:34:48
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! Glasgow zombie girls, this is not a problem, as long as the rest of the beerI never set foot in Scotland, but I have seen Ireland, I have not seen zombies just a few pike in IrelandCool
2012/11/2 16:34:39
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! good judgment,
and congratulations to the winners
2012/11/1 19:53:23
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! WozToons wrote:
Would everybody please refrain from posting here until the result is announced.
The notifications get me all a flutter until I check and find that there has still been no decision.
I cannot handle the repeated highs and lows.
If there is a recount in progress please let us know and put us out of our misery.

j'ai une excuse valable je ne comprends pas l'anglais quand ça m'arrangeI have an excuse, I do not understand English when it suits me
edited by fullmetall on 01/11/2012
edited by fullmetall on 01/11/2012
2012/11/1 15:07:12
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2!

2012/10/31 13:28:07
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! uh, NASA was also in competition for this challenge?
2012/10/30 21:14:15
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2!

so, "l'important c'est de participer"only 4hours for make music and animation, it was shortly...
2012/10/29 22:13:32
PSYCHO- Bath-Short 1 Final EEFilmz wrote:
try this new version 2

ok in france good video
2012/10/29 17:10:08
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! for me too in france
2012/10/29 17:05:58
led zepplin merde, j'ai rajeuni de 30 ans
very good im loosing 30 years
good animation
2012/10/28 18:12:52
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! urbanlamb wrote:
fullmetall wrote:
it is very difficult for me to understand Halloween, culturally it is not registered in our traditions, so apart from the music and devils, that's all I can do, and when we can partying accept this modest contribution.
greetings to all

Oh dont worry about that I am jewish but I still enjoy a couple of christian based holidays one being halloween and the other being christmas. When in doubt consult the internet. Its "all hallow's eve"

edited by urbanlamb on 28/10/2012

here is the feast of all Saints, we bring flowers to cemeteries and then we let them alone, maybe we are afraid they wake up in, as we go away very quickly .... cut to eat and drink their healths (sic!)
thank you for the link, I would be less stupid tonight
2012/10/28 11:24:29
Spooky Halloween Challenge #2! it is very difficult for me to understand Halloween, culturally it is not registered in our traditions, so apart from the music and devils, that's all I can do, and when we can partying accept this modest contribution.
greetings to all
@ + dom
2012/9/26 13:28:49
Help me Rock this video...Is there an easier way? http://www.cineflare.com/

, hi, maybe this can help you
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