New Star Wars Characters

New Star Wars Characters

by DigiFactor
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These are my new Star Wars characters, if you have my other Star Wars Characters from my Clayster account then you will needs to add to the collection

Characters, scifi, star wars

Comments (9)

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  1. tjquake
    • tjquake - Over a year ago
    • Ahhh yea Clay you did it again with the characters. I love it!!!. this is a good spot to put you assets on as well. Clay you should try one of the free website makers that you can put all you stuff on again. has a great one that I use and its FREE! By the way do you have any ninja type characters with weapons. Im trying to find some. What I need to learn how to do is make these things myself. You should do a youtube video on how to make these muvizu charaters . Do you use blender?
  2. drsvprasad
    • drsvprasad - Over a year ago
    • I downloaded the set file of New Star Wars Characters and found that most of the characters are formed by using 3D face mask, hat and claws as hand and feet attachements. Some specially and strangely the smallest characters have their their 3 D long dress (from shoulders to feet) as chest attachment, scarf as neck and crosses as back attachments. It would be worthwhile to prepare some tutorials on how these attachments are designed. I think Clay uses Milkshape.
  3. Thanapongxxx
    • Thanapongxxx - Over a year ago
  4. dannybright
    • dannybright - 6 months ago
    • clay, thank you so very much. My God, the detail you have achieved is simply amazing sir.
  5. dannybright
    • dannybright - 6 months ago
    • clay, thank you so very much. My God, the detail you have achieved is simply amazing sir.