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Home ? Your Videos ? Lion Witch & Wardrobe

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22/11/2011 01:02:54

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
At the end of the week that Meryl Streep announces the prospect of an advertising campaign where the country will be littered with pictures of the Evil Thatch, which in will be turned into more public urinals than were created in the Victorian era, the producer of The Muvizu Monster, and Raging Bull **** brings you a fantasy, epic in its proporations, though short in its seconds.

Dylly is proud to present The Lion, The Witch & Wardrobe a film made with Muvizu, backgrounds and sets painted in Gimp & Photoshop, sound created in Audacity, effects from and special thanks to hugmyster for the Tuxedo texture.

edited by Dylly on 22/11/2011
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Home ? Your Videos ? Lion Witch & Wardrobe