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Home ? Characters ? Help!...The "Man" character is gone now....

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16/04/2012 18:08:21

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
I went to objects-online-abstract and accidentally downloaded custom character textures, and now whenever I click to create the MAN character he doesn't look like the Default Man character like the Icon in the window, instead it's always a different random guy now/ how do Irest that to the default "man" again or what?? - EEF
16/04/2012 18:55:45

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
EEFilmz - The man and woman characters always generate a random character rather than a specific look (actually I think they pick one from a pool of predefined models rather than being random).

I believe this is to enable you to quickly create a crowd that doesn't look like an army of clones.
17/04/2012 06:26:11

EEFilmzExperimental user
Posts: 397
OK ukBerty Thanks! - EEF

ukBerty wrote:
EEFilmz - The man and woman characters always generate a random character rather than a specific look (actually I think they pick one from a pool of predefined models rather than being random).

I believe this is to enable you to quickly create a crowd that doesn't look like an army of clones.
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Home ? Characters ? Help!...The "Man" character is gone now....