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10/01/2014 15:09:41

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
This problem of scale in Muvizu & Unreal units and head is about to explode! Today I decided I would go on the hunt for a definitive answer to the scale question and finally came upon a forum on a site that dealt with just this issue. However all that I could ascertain was that there could be 16 UU's to a foot or maybe 15.24, and that Canada has something to do with the creation of the Unreal Engine...I finally gave up when someone asked the question "What is a Canada?" This may be something Urban Lamb can help with?
10/01/2014 15:40:12

Posts: 43

From what I'm seeing here, they don't actually have a "fixed" measurement; everything comes with different sizing depending on the game, or whatever the engine is being used for - in this case, Muvizu. Urban perhaps knows the scale required for things to make them a decent size when you bring them into Muvizu after you've been through Blender (perhaps even Maya), but there's not a fixed UU to real world scale conversion.

One of the devs might know more about this, so we'll see if any of them stumble across this topic...
10/01/2014 17:18:13

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
the unreal has a default unit, but muvizu may have changed it

I think that they have changed the unit so you will have to make your own scale. The only one who will know is the guy who picked it inside digimania in the first place.

Also apologies from canada land. Its based on a 3dsmax unit but its a set unit that they set arbitrarily to suit themselves however this unit is changable. From what I have seen inside muvizu its been recently changed. If I type say in 1.2 it takes up several notches there is more 1.2 if you click so the scaling has been changed to something I know not what it is but you can blame them scots for that piece Big Grin

I should also add and edit in again as I write this that 3dsmax and Maya are not completely interchangeable.

Alsy Dylly about the only successful way to scale things in something like muvizu is to take out an avatar and pick a size (I pick 20% or sometimes 25%) and shuttle him around the set to size up stuff. To get an illusion of "far awayness" scale things down at the edges of the dome and make streets so that the buildings gradually angle inwards as they reach the edge of the dome. I have built a few sets like this but muvizu is more of a canvass that when you build on it you kinda do like the artist does and stands back and look and adjust using the eyeball. If your going for geometrically exact you will drive yourself mad in muvizu. You kind of need to apply the principle of set building and drawing and not worry about architecture and stuff you worry about foreground, midground and background for the benefit of the camera. (although it would be cool if we could have a way of lining things up better using a system of integers) In the end probably you need to apply the principles of set building more and ignore real life a bit

It will probably horrify you to find out I dont use anything other then my eyeball when building a muvizu set and worry about what my camera will see in front of the character and behind the character and build the center of the set first unless I am including multiple sets in one I will then add detail in those areas but the set is designed for several scenes and I delete parts of my set when I actually use it. I like to build one master set so make things a bit more seamless but I dont use the set that way
edited by urbanlamb on 10/01/2014
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