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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Green Screening a body

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07/07/2016 03:47:57

Posts: 5
So after learning how to green screen, i decided to green screen a body. Leaving only the head and hands. This worked as planned but there is a bit of a shimmer where the body was like when you see the "Predator" with his personal cloak up. any way to remove this?
07/07/2016 06:18:42

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I no longer use greenscreen now we have layers, but reading your question properly this won't help you here and I've had to change my reply!

This is a function of your post production software. I use HitFilm and when I do use greenscreen this can be an issue. I have a few settings on the greenscreen effect which I can twiddle - min and max - or depending on the scene I sometimes swap to blue as my greenscreen colour.

How are you doing the greenscreen?
edited by ukBerty on 07/07/2016
07/07/2016 08:08:47

Posts: 5
Ok so what i did was take the wire frame .png for stick figures and i colored the body parts that i wanted to be visible, filled in the negative space with green so the rest of the body would be color and then erased the remaining wire frame so it wouldnt appear on the body.

Then in Muvizu i did all the normal prep for dialogue and actions, that all worked fine. I rendered once with the character in, then rendered again with the character removed. In the editor (Cyberlink PD14) i chromakeyed the green portion of the body and put the two clips overtop of each other. this worked very well aside from the faint outline of the body. It was in the "Sleazy's" bar room set and it was dark. Would it have been better to use blue since it was a darker setting?
07/07/2016 08:22:50

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
It's difficult to say. I am not familiar with Cyberlink.

I would have a play with the settings on the greenscreen effect in Cyberlink (assuming there are some). Then, if it's an option, you could try blue. These things are a matter of trial and error until you become familiar with the editor you're using.
07/07/2016 08:40:02

Posts: 5
Green screening in PD14 is a pretty simple thing. you just engage chromakey and then select the color you wanna phase out with the eyedropper. probably more to it then that for the fine details but it's not a super advanced thing. I had no trouble green screening a politcal speech onto a tv screen in one of the news room sets.
07/07/2016 08:45:24

Posts: 5
AHAHA!! i looked at that settings and there were some tolerance sliders for hue, luminance and saturation. Outline is gone now. Thanks!
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? Green Screening a body