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03/10/2011 22:29:38

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Just got back from having a brain scan...guess what? They FOUND ONE!Whaaaaa? although I think it was second hand...did a few...well lets just say if my brain sat waiting at traffic lights it would be shouting "Look...ANOTHER colour"!

For luck I wore a Muvizu T-shirt and took with me the card the guys from the team sent me. The card was left outside, the t-shirt worn in the scanner. They strapped me into the cradle, pit the earphones on my head, put the face mask thing on and I was slowly, electronically, slid into the scanner. The throbbing, pulsating noises started. For a minute i thought I was listening to some of the crap that my daughter thinks is music. The noise got worse and the whole machine started vibrating. I tried to zone out and relax and was succeeding until some bugger bellowed "MUVIZU"! They didn't tell me they could talk to me through the earphones. Someone had recognised MUVIZU on my T-shirt and shouted down the damned mic. Of course they were checking me for brain injury and now the scan will prove positive as I had tried to sit bolt upright in the scanner and shall we say...belted my sodding head on the roof which was mere inches away from my face!

Still it just goes to show how far reaching is Muvizu these days. Now if YOU were the lab tech that bellowed in my ear do me a favour and comment on my clips!

Thank you one and all in MUVIZU world for your continued support and encouragement!

pp Tim Johnson AKA Dylly
edited by Dylly on 03/10/2011
03/10/2011 22:33:52

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Oh and I'm sacking my other half as secretary, her spelling is wore than mine!
03/10/2011 23:37:04

simonhefferMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 225
Hi Tim,
Glad you survived the MRI, they are a bit daunting, aren't they? Still got your GSOH I see!
I'm sure a bit more Muvizu will help get the brain lighting up all over the place!
Best wishes,
04/10/2011 09:59:39

Posts: 272

hahaha class story
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