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Home ? For New Users ? Anyone Using Muvizu to promote affiliate products

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14/12/2014 17:54:12

Posts: 1

I am new to this forum and using Muvizu. I am an affiliate marketer and I promote physical and info products with video. I believe Muvizu will create awesome engaging videos which will sell more products.

Is anyone doing this and if so can you give me some ideas,examples of some of the videos you have made.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
21/12/2014 17:15:41

Posts: 51
I agree, video is great for promoting products......Muvizu would put them on another level.
25/08/2015 14:10:32

Posts: 16
Today animation is taking off and we see large companies using digital animation to promote products that would normally have expensive actors doing them. We are in the right place at the right time. I intend to use Muvizu extensively for advertising and promotion. Please friend me and lets keep in touch. I will be purchasinng the entire Muvizu package as it is stupid not to! Where can you purchase a product like this for thirty dollars??? NOWHERE!

If you make one commercial with it, even for a small mom and pop business, you will have made your small investment back and be able to cotinue making money with it.
26/08/2015 01:08:17

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
My first MUVIZU project was an animated user testimonial for another software product. They loved it!

Here's a link to it:

Experienced users will recognize it to be a "first project" but to people who aren't familiar with MUVIZU, even the simplest project looks pretty impressive.

This video was created during the first 48 hours after installing Muvizu ... and most of that time was spent learning how to do what I wanted to do and troubleshooting codec issues
edited by PatMarrNC on 26/08/2015
edited by PatMarrNC on 28/08/2015
01/09/2015 05:36:21

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Regarding the topic of using Muvizu to create animated ads that generate income:

The million dollar questions is "how do you get those gigs?" Here is one suggested answer to that question...

Most of you are posting your amazing videos on youtube. Since animation is so entertaining, they get lots of hits. And the shelf life of humorous content on the web is very long.. I'm not sure there's an expiration date at all. And the longer they stay up, the more people see them. I suggest that if you are interested in offering your services for advertisements, you should add your own commercial to the end of every video you make. Youtube inserts ads before your video plays... why can't we put our own ads in a video? It must be effective, Or youtube wouldn't be doing it.

Over time its inevitable that you'll get work from ads that stay up forever and don't cost you anything.
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Home ? For New Users ? Anyone Using Muvizu to promote affiliate products