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17/09/2010 13:24:11

Posts: 107
I've loved fiddling with Muvizi, especially with popping in an MP3 track and having a group sing and dance to it!
One thing I have found is that there is no easy way to have a character turn to face another specific character, which would be vital in, say, quick draws...
Also having an option to have the character face specific objects, although in a well built stage this could be tricky to say the least.
It could also be that the function already exists and I've missed it along the way... :o(

Here's looking at you (hint, hint),

17/09/2010 13:36:03

Posts: 127
Yes that could be useful.

In fact i'd like to keep things the way they are (for doing movement quickly and easily) but to have an additional "Advanced" way of moving characters that is much more finer controlled and maybe even scripted with use marker objects. Something like:

Move Harry To MarkerA At Speed 10.
Rotate Harry To Face Sally.
Wait 3.
Move Sally To MarkerB At Speed 5.

Then to be able to save this as a named script event and be able to place that named script event on a timeline.

At the moment I'm having difficulty directing movement and usually end up with something less by disgned and more by accident...
17/09/2010 13:37:29

Posts: 127
Whoohoo just reached 100 posted,

Ah actually 101 now...
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