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Home ? Your Videos ? Stanley Ipkiss - Meeting with the Boss

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20/03/2017 15:56:27

Posts: 67
Hello all,

here is my new movie.

22/03/2017 13:01:28

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I'm surprised nobody's commented on this video yet.. it's been posted for a couple of days already. Maybe it just scrolled off the front page before people saw it.. there were a lot of videos posted this week, and that tends to push older videos downstream.

I liked your use of music in this, and your intro was reminiscent of a Pink Panther episode. I also liked your sets... original and interesting. And the camera pan around the corner to reveal the man walking down the hall was nice.

Regarding the opening music, the volume should have dropped when the character started talking. It conflicted with his dialog for the viewer's attention.

I liked the animated eyes when the lights went out, and the lighter in the foreground... but I think that the 3D Muvizu environment would have been more effectively used if you had employed the lighting system to scarcely light his eyes instead of using 2d animation. But, its interesting to see different techniques used to accomplish the same goal, and as such the 2D eyes work.

I thought the "you're fired" message could have been presented in a more logical way... maybe written on a notepad, or in an email... something more consistent with the story's setting and less consistent with a quick video editing solution.

All in all, I think the video accomplished its goal. It held my attention from start to finish, and I was very interested in seeing how you set up your scenes! Great fun!
27/03/2017 06:27:09

Posts: 67
Thank you for your detailed criticism. Next time, I'll be even more careful.
27/03/2017 13:12:11

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
DoublePrimePictures wrote:
Thank you for your detailed criticism. Next time, I'll be even more careful.

I guess my comments do come across as criticism, but that isn't my intent. I'm of the opinion that most non-professional content creators (artists, video producers, song writers etc) already know what they HOPE to convey to an audience, but audiences don't always "get it" the same way the author intended it.

Forums offer the feedback of many viewers, which is the best way to see/learn how many different ways an idea might be interpreted. Learning how to predict an audience's response accurately is what enables comedians to "set up" the joke, or the director of a slasher video to know exactly when to surprise the audience. Without that knowledge, we're all just throwing information at an audience and hoping they like it.

All my comments on the forum are for the express purpose of letting people know how I received what they sent, and what might have helped me to see the point differently. Under no circumstance do I ever intend to discourage or undermine. I like to see people having fun with Muvizu, and I don't want to throw cold water on that fun.
27/03/2017 17:44:20

Posts: 32
Pat - There is criticism and there is constructive criticism. Yours is constructive criticism and should be welcome. That's how we all learn.
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Home ? Your Videos ? Stanley Ipkiss - Meeting with the Boss