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Home ? For New Users ? Father's Day Suggestions

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19/06/2011 14:14:21

Posts: 1
Okay, fathers day is here and I'm a horrible person for not doing anything yet, but that aside: I'm not too sure what to get him. Lately my dad's been really into this Muvizu thing, so I thought maybe I could buy him an extension package or the like, but I've looked around and this seems to be a compleatly altruistic website. The one time I want a website to make me buy something I can't seem to find anything. Is this right, that there's no money involved, or does anyone have other suggestions?
19/06/2011 15:21:39

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
If it makes you feel any better you could give me some money.

I accept Paypal.

Incredibly, despite the fantastic product, Muvizu currently has no way of collecting money up front from its users. Should your Dad create something which generates some cash then Muvizu will want their cut (understandably).

It looks like you'll just have to get him that "Dad Rock" CD from the garage after all.

20/06/2011 01:21:38

Posts: 123
Morgan_Bee wrote:
Okay, fathers day is here and I'm a horrible person for not doing anything yet, but that aside: I'm not too sure what to get him. Lately my dad's been really into this Muvizu thing, so I thought maybe I could buy him an extension package or the like, but I've looked around and this seems to be a compleatly altruistic website. The one time I want a website to make me buy something I can't seem to find anything. Is this right, that there's no money involved, or does anyone have other suggestions?

OK, so this is too late - but would he like a Muvizu T-shirt? Message me his address and size and I'll send one.

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Home ? For New Users ? Father's Day Suggestions