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09/02/2023 01:22:22

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
Well I'm just going to put this out there, I had this site set up for a whole year now, just waiting for the right time to pay for service, but not having enough funds to get it started was always keeping it from happening, so I decided to publish it in its free service state, but with the coding I made makes it like a premium website and I made it with a Forum and Group Pages which doesn't need premium service to work, I also made a video gallery that works off video URL's so you can upload videos unlimited with out the premium service, I redone the site to look similar to Muvizu's so you may know how everything works, I also add a donation page with my Paypal account button to collect donation, I figured if anyone likes the site and wants to help it get better and grow they could do so by donating any amount they want, and once there's enough for a whole year then the money will be used towards the sites, and will be set to auto pay every year, so doing this I figured the site could turn into a community site like Anizu but better, who know maybe the site could fund itself this way!
here is the link to the site, once it gets it's service, I will connect my own Domain.
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Website updated 3