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Home ? Feedback ? Works well with onbord laptop graphics

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02/09/2011 07:55:54

Posts: 127
I got a new laptop that has no graphics card, just on processor chip graphics.

You can see it here

It was about 500 pounds but a really big high res screen for a laptop.

It works well with Muvizu. On the really detailed sets like the church one there a little jurkyness but turning shadows off solves this.

All in all it's a great machine to sit back on the sofa and do some Muvizu work.

Basically, just saying at least some laptops out there that don't have separate graphics card (just on chip graphics) can handle Muvizu... Just however tried it with the Samsung R730, so can only say that machine works well with it.
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Home ? Feedback ? Works well with onbord laptop graphics