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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? Won't make movie

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22/02/2012 23:46:04

Posts: 1
Latest version w7 32bit
when i get to the make movie screen it plays but never gives the save option. just plays
23/02/2012 10:21:46

Posts: 176
What you describe is hopefully a fairly easy fix. All you should hopefully have to do is click the small triangle on the left side of the timeline (it’s just to the right of the word ‘Master’) and drag it to the right so that the pink bar encapsulates the entire length of your video (so if you have a 45 second long video drag it so the triangle reaches 45 seconds). That tells Muvizu how much of your video it should render. Drag it only as far as you need and then click make video.
edited by Luscan on 23/02/2012
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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? Won't make movie