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21/07/2012 09:41:10

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
EEFilmz wrote:
UPDATE: Gotta hire some pygmiess or something to clean me up....luckily I had a volunteer to help...

Dear Eef,

My mother (God rest her soul) was a very practical woman and possessor of a wicked sense of humour.

A friend of the family who was a builder made the cardinal mistake of stepping back to admire the chimney he had been pointing and fell from the scaffold. Fortunately for him a colleague (built like a brick crap house) caught him before he hit the floor. Our friend then re climbed the scaffolding and started work on the other side of the chimney, but...did exactly the same thing & stood back to admire his handy work & once again fell off, this time no one was there to catch him and he hit the floor hard breaking both arms and one leg.

Now Mum went to visit the poor bloke & his young wife on the day he was released from hospital with both arms & one leg in plaster. Slyly Mum introduced the subject of going to the loo...and then waited for the penny to drop with the blokes wife...
"I'm not doing that, he can get lost!" spluttered the wife.
"I thought as much." said Mum gleefully winking at the crestfallen builder.
"That's why I brought you this!" Mum continued, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a toffee hammer (a tiny hammer used by sweet manufacturers to break up slabs of sugar toffee). "I thought you could let him dry and knock the lumps off!"

Now Eef, I'm sure a toffee hammer would be a cheaper and more efficient method than hiring a tribe of pygmies...who get upset when you mention things like 'minimum wage'.
21/07/2012 09:48:15

Posts: 15
Mum continued, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a toffee hammer (a tiny hammer used by sweet manufacturers to break up slabs of sugar toffee). "I thought you could let him dry and knock the lumps off!"

Ah! This explains why I so disliked my mom's toffee...
21/07/2012 14:52:04

Posts: 272
Lol that was too funny!! I don't think i will look at toffee the same again lol.
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