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Home ? Feedback ? University of Reddit: Muvizu Course

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07/09/2012 03:57:45

Posts: 6
Hey gang!
I didn't know if one of your staffers or maybe a prolific user would want to create a University of Reddit course on Muvizu. It would be a great way to help teach people how to utilize Muvizu, get feedback on usability and spread the word on the program. I would imagine this could be something that could build over the years, increase content quality, develop new animation/filming techniques and collaboration.
For those unaware what University of Reddit is, its a volunteer led selection of courses on various topics. The quality of the courses depends on who is leading it, but if the right person is leading the course it can be very informative. Its free and gets you good practice for the topics you are interested in.
Me, I need to work on script writing, finding it hard coming up with something worthwhile to animate... =)
07/09/2012 09:53:05

simonhefferMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 225
Well, of course, Muvizu already has a number of great tutorials from staff and users and a lot of the fun is to experiment with stuff. I guess it's down to the Muvizu chaps on whether they want to take advertising to Reddit esp as it's all on youtube anyway.

adam_knox wrote:

Me, I need to work on script writing, finding it hard coming up with something worthwhile to animate... =)

As for scripts - a good place to start is to take your favourite (short) scene from a film and make a Muvizu version. Or just take the dialogue and put it in a completely different context!!
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Home ? Feedback ? University of Reddit: Muvizu Course