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Home ? General Discussion ? Has Drawing been removed from animation BBC

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28/03/2013 08:19:01

DyllyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 555
Interesting feature on the Beeb this morning
28/03/2013 14:22:59

WozToonsExperimental user
Posts: 494
Good Posting

Interesting article. There is a place for all types of animation and these "is this dead?" stories are rarely right when art is involved. 25 years ago they were saying actors would soon be redundant as CGI would take over, we're getting closer but still nowhere near. Check out the new "Click" on BBC News 24 as they have a piece on this very topic.

The speed of workflow drives commercial projects as time is money so CGI animation will always be a better choice for them but there will always be a place for hand drawn animation as well. Not mainstream as in the Snow White era but more a niche for those who appreciate its qualities.

Seeing animation used in "non-animated" movies like Skyfall could well mean that it is becoming a more important part of the whole industry and this can only be a good thing.

imho. Thumbs Up
edited by WozToons on 28/03/2013
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Home ? General Discussion ? Has Drawing been removed from animation BBC