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Home ? How Do I ...? ? "Take that smile off your face!"

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20/01/2014 20:46:19

Posts: 65
Hi. As a retired gent I have to say I'm enjoying using Muvizu! One question though? How can I wipe the grin of the face of a character???? Most people I see don't walk about grinning like the Cheshire cat.... (may be this is because it rains a lot were I live?).
20/01/2014 21:13:48

Posts: 520
SonOfKong wrote:
Hi. As a retired gent I have to say I'm enjoying using Muvizu! One question though? How can I wipe the grin of the face of a character???? Most people I see don't walk about grinning like the Cheshire cat.... (may be this is because it rains a lot were I live?).

If you choose the "Prepare Character properties" option, you can select "Expressive" then "Animate" and move the slider down to make the character look more "Yorkshire"
20/01/2014 21:14:37

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
You can click edit on the character and then click on body and turn expressiveness down to 0% if you like. Also you can animate expressiveness now under prepare character properties and click expressiveness and animate

here are the how-to tutorials this might help as well
20/01/2014 22:56:37

Posts: 65
Thanks for the reference! works a treat!. I'd already found the tutorials but I'm really grateful for the help. The one thing I like about Muvizu is the amount of helpful tutorials there is for it.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? "Take that smile off your face!"