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Home ? Feedback ? Suggestions for forum headings

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21/08/2010 14:12:39

Posts: 127
I'm quite happy with it at the mo, but if it's gonna change perhaps a 'Resource' section.
22/08/2010 11:06:37

Posts: 698
Morning chaps,

What we are looking at just now are four forum sections: Help, Muvizu Discussion, Video Discussion and General Discussion. We are trying to have as few forum sections as possible, as that reduces the chances that someone posts in the wrong place.

Help would have:
FAQs and Common problems (all threads would be locked and new topic creation would be restricted to Muvizu staff)
Tech Help - same as current Tech help section
How do I? - combine the Help! and New User posts, hopefully.

Muvizu Discussion would have:

Video Discussion would have:
Your Videos - for discussing the videos that have been uploaded
Tips and Tricks - Tutorials, guides and the like
Resources - websites and software that can be used along with Muvizu
Collaboration Requests - ask for or offer help
Codecs - Discussions on which codecs people use and what advantages they have

General Discussion

If you think that there should be anything added or taken away let us know.

Take care,
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Home ? Feedback ? Suggestions for forum headings