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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? I uploaded a video and it isn't on the Muvizu site

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01/09/2010 12:50:15

Posts: 698
Your uploaded video not appearing can be due to three things:

1. If you upload a video directly to YouTube it doesn't appear on this site
2. If the video has copyrighted music on it YouTube will automatically turn syndication off and as such it cannot be shown on other websites
3. All videos on the Muvizu site are moderated, which is only done during office hours (Mon-Fri 9:30 - 5:30 British time) so if you upload a video outside of these hours it may be a day or two before it's on the site.

If you have uploaded a video and it hasn't appeared within 48 hours (72 hours if you upload at the weekend) please go to the "Tech Help" section of the forum and let us know.
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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? I uploaded a video and it isn't on the Muvizu site