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Home ? Tech Help ? Sinking Drum Set

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25/07/2015 04:21:38

Posts: 106
Hi All

Why does this drum set sink half way through the floor?
25/07/2015 06:18:53

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I can't get it to load, but I suspect that the model had the axis in the middle rather than the centre bottom of the model when you used the exporter from Sketchup.

Two solutions:-

  • Move the object up so it site on the X axis in sketchup and re-export
  • in Muvizu check the "floats in air" tickbox and hover the drum kit to the right level.
I actually use this "offset collision box" technique quite a bit so that you can put two objects in the same place within Muvizu. This means you can combine models into one object within Muvizu itself. Very useful.
25/07/2015 07:47:16

Posts: 106
Hi ukberty!

I made the drum set float in the air and it worked out well! Thank you very much!
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Home ? Tech Help ? Sinking Drum Set