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Home ? Your Videos ? Collision in Muvizu aka What buttons to press

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27/07/2015 17:19:25

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
Here is a short video created just to go over how to add a basic collision box in muvizu using Blender.

for the curious yes the model I used in the tutorial is the model I used in that short clip at the beginning. I simply made sure all the faces were facing the right direction and changed the colours on the materials (didnt use textures).
edited by urbanlamb on 27/07/2015
27/07/2015 17:58:06

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Urban - just what I needed.

I will have a good go and getting something automated when I do my next scene build which will be in a few weeks.
27/07/2015 18:04:56

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I didnt show how to slap a texture on and a couple other things because this might confuse the issue but this should work. On a side note the bug that existed with centering things seems to have been fixed or I just got lucky but I did import 3 versions of that car with no issue so.. its probably fixed.

There are some hints in the wiki as well I put there. One was for turning on material properties for emmissive and shiny etc. So all these "what buttons do I press" I think are covered .. mostly

anyhow hopefully it helps I put or tried to put musak in there to keep you awake
edited by urbanlamb on 27/07/2015
27/07/2015 22:48:49

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Placed in the wiki so it doesn't get buried like it would on the forum:
edited by MrDrWho13 on 27/07/2015
27/07/2015 22:50:51

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
okay thanks.. it will end up in the gallery eventually under tutorials but maybe some people actually use the wiki LOL.
27/07/2015 22:56:27

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Ah yes I forgot the uploads were back. It's a shame the wiki results don't come up in the site search. Perhaps I should put in a feature request for it.
28/07/2015 10:42:11

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
@urbanlamb. Cheers for the blender/muvizu .fbx collision box video.
it has helped me understand a little better.
is it fair to say its a misnomer as its more a non collision box.
28/07/2015 14:17:12

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
hehe yes it defines where you want it to collide with the environment and where you dont want it to collide. When you leave it to muvizu to decide it will just put a giant box around the entire thing making things .. awkward so many of us have realized awhile back that the easiest way to build things inside muvizu is to put as little collision detection into things as possible.

Unless its something like a set of stairs or a floor that you want them to walk on better to just have muvizu not put collision there.
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Home ? Your Videos ? Collision in Muvizu aka What buttons to press