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Home ? Tech Help ? The usual wish: a camera :-)

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21/11/2016 11:48:32

Posts: 110
Making a film about a guy who always wants to just "take one last picture" I am looking for anything looking like a mobile phone camera.
Actually just a small rectangular black box would do it.
I tried the right hand attachment Book, colored it all black and it was kind of OK - only problem is that it cannot be scaled small enough - and so it cuts the figures right leg when he is walking.
So I would be grateful for a link to a small camera - possibly just looking like a new mobile camera phone ?
21/11/2016 11:58:00

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
this might help...maybe notWhaaaaa?

also.....i have pm'd you
edited by drewi on 21/11/2016
21/11/2016 13:47:19

Posts: 110
Thank you very much, drewi.
The mobile phone you have sent me as an fbx is 100% what is needed in the film.
edited by ritsmer on 21/11/2016
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Home ? Tech Help ? The usual wish: a camera :-)