Ammostro - all messages by user

2017/4/14 14:10:05
Problem with transparent AVI Hello guys,

for several days I'm trying to get my horse walking in Muvizu.The result is impressive as long as I use a solid color as texture. As long as i use a fixed texture on my horse, it looks normal.
From this texture, I made three different transparent images, one image for each pose. These images I used to make a transparent AVI. When I use this AVI on my horse, the textures arent alinged any more.

I have tried everything, scaling the UV-wrappings, turning the UV-wrappings, scaling, turning the desins, ...

Second problem is that the colors went faded. Is this a problem because we use the transparancy in the AVI movie. ( I used two different programs to made the AVI, al with the same result)

BTW: the horse model is not mine. I downloaded it from, the designer is called 3dregenerator.
edited by Ammostro on 14/04/2017
2017/4/12 12:08:39
Critiques please... First Video!! Well done, better than al my video's, so, from me: No Comment
2017/4/10 8:30:45
custom character and action , Muvizu style nice one
2017/4/8 10:14:32
Old user of Xtranormal Welcome to Muvizu.

Read, watch, ask and learn, but most of all, enjoy
2017/4/7 7:15:37
Muvizu has a huge problem that I knew, downsizing the characters.

but I think there was no possibility to imagine a pregnant wife. That was the goal
2017/4/6 22:21:39
Muvizu has a huge problem In the near future!!!! Solve it please !!!!

Set uploaded, available when confirmed.

edited by Ammostro on 14/04/2017
2017/4/5 15:04:17
A walk in the snow Just a short test to let people walk in the snow.

Made a .AVI, 18 different pictures, and this AVI projected at a groundplane. Just usable for a short clip and a straight walk.

2017/4/3 10:02:12
NEW IN THE MUVIZU STORE..... I've set my castle and al the rest for free in the store.

castle, katapult and characters now in the user store (when approved)

Movie available:

pictures :
edited by Ammostro on 03/04/2017
2017/4/1 8:46:55
Invention of the StoneThrowMachine Thx man,

Indeed, the clipping is difficult when they have something big in their hands.
And I know that there are errors in the clip. But it's so difficult to get the correct actions. This is my second clip, and I do not think the easiest one. But I learned a lot and and that I'll take with me to the next one.. We'll get there, but I have to spend a little bit more time into making the clip.
2017/3/31 18:52:30
iClone 5.5 3D Give Away of the Day 31/03/2017 Thx man, downloading.
2017/3/31 18:38:38
Invention of the StoneThrowMachine Hello, a video created with my stuff

2017/3/23 10:29:28
problem with my wall Thx,

I have copied the wall to a new blender file. Deleted all materials and textures and then reassigned the material and texture. That works.

2017/3/23 9:57:11
problem with my wall And does anyone know a solution for my next problem?

I created a great wall in blender, muvizu imported it with no problem. Now I deleted some face from that wall, to make a small wall. When I import it to muvizu, I see the wall, I can't select him, can't scale or place him. I can select him with the "scene window", but I'm not allowed to scale or move it.

Thx for the solution
2017/3/23 8:10:42
problem with my wall Thx man, problem solverd.
2017/3/23 0:19:43
cartoon attack heli comictude wrote:
Ammostro, That was very inventive and some outside the box thinking. There is plenty of that going around in this forum. :-)

It seems lots of you are using Blender. Would that be where I should go to develop some new characters? No way I can get what I want using existing characters so thinking about where to go to design them and bring them into Muvizu.

I dont know. I'm new to blender. I was searching for my moving blades, and for that I have watched many tutorials. But didn't seen any one for importing characters. Dont think so.
2017/3/23 0:12:13
problem with my wall Hello guys,

When I put my wall next to my tower, I have a gap on the ground. When I put him on the ground, he's also shaking a little bit. When I put him as "floats in the air", then he comes straid on the floor.
He's designed in blender, and I am sure that hes flat on the ground. I also set my origin to the wall. The tower is the same way created, with that I have no problem.

It's also not possible to place the wall against the tower, there is always an open space, even when I let him "float in the air", the gap remains.

Any idea?

edited by Ammostro on 23/03/2017
2017/3/22 10:40:33
Making ASE export work in Milkshpae or Blender I have already used the ASE exporter for my heli whit rotating blades. That works fine, now its one object to create the movements. Thx guys. Now its fun
2017/3/22 10:38:11
Moving grouped objects? Thx, I wil buy it and try it.
2017/3/22 8:01:46
cartoon attack heli Hey,

a short video with my new created cartoon attack heli. This version was made with a helicopter body and a backdrop for the moving blades. My new version was exported with the new ASE exporter for blender (thx guys) and is now at one piece. Much easier to create movements. I posted the set with a heli on the ground, one flying with moving blades, and a cockpit with backdrops for inside shots. Availeble soon I hope.

edited by Ammostro on 22/03/2017
edited by Ammostro on 22/03/2017
2017/3/22 7:38:07
Moving grouped objects? Thanks. I did this. I used backdrops with a camera shot for the movements upwards and forwards. But I also used my helicopter with a back drop for the rotor with a transparent AVI projection. I made two separate movements upwards and forwards, one for the helicopter and one for the back drop. Whit the timeline I have these movements matched.
In a new version, created with the new ASE exporter for blender (thx guys), i created a helicopter with a whole cilinder for the rotors. This cilinder I use for the projection of a transparant avi. I created and posted a movie, also the SET with the new heli. available
edited by Ammostro on 22/03/2017
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