clayster2012 - all messages by user

2015/7/30 20:25:58
Coming Soon... Hi guys, yea I'm looking into creating ways to animate the cape, I'm a good figure outer so i'll come up with something and I'll post it, anyways here's another shot of Superdude in the fortress with the camera angels, I can adjust the brightness but only with the cameras, have to remember its a scene of the fortress and its all crystal, so it will seem kind of bright till I use the cameras.

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edited by Jamie on 31/07/2015
2015/7/30 11:48:06
Coming Soon... thanks MrDrWho13, yea its the snapshots, I remotely acsess my computer with my phone and opened up muvizu and took snapshots that way, I'm not at home right now, I can update them when I get back.
2015/7/30 11:34:26
Coming Soon... Hi clayster here, not new to muvizu, but my first time posting, just wanted
to share my idea of a series of Superdude spoofs Here's some screen shots of a few sets so for.

This is a set of Kirk Kent inside of his fortress of solitude.

and this one is a set of Jerpel in his lab back on planet Crapton before was destroyed. still working on this one.

This was a little difficult, using Hitfilm to make planet Crapton and its sun collied then exporting the video to muvizu as a texture for a backdrop, then scaling the ship to make it look like its coming toward the camera.

edited by clayster2012 on 30/07/2015

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edited by Jamie on 30/07/2015
2015/7/24 18:33:04
Underground Characters bug Ok I can't get to the characters to cut and paste, will not let me go past other objects without cut them, Its easy in a blank scene, but I can't do it in the scene I'm working on, Plus I just did another update this morning, I figured it was the fix to this problem, but it isn't, any ideas to with problem?
edited by clayster2012 on 24/07/2015
2015/7/21 17:18:39
Underground Characters bug I just updated my Muvizu Play+ just 20 minutes ago, now All my Characters keep pop up underground, dose anyone haves this problem?
2013/12/16 6:22:29
Coming Soon... Spoofs Coming Soon

I'll be making spoofs of my version of superheros, seen this thread, figured i would share my idea, already made a superguy spoof, it was my first muvizu video, now I'm working on wonder Girl.

edited by clayster2012 on 16/12/2013
edited by clayster2012 on 16/12/2013
2013/12/10 17:08:24
my superguy spoof, short and simple
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