Peli - all messages by user

2014/7/24 17:03:22
My Firsts Tests Hi! This is what I have gradually been able to do for my testing with this fantastic program. ;-)

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2014/7/20 8:52:07
Hola! - Hi! Hola, soy nuevo con Muvizu, que descubri por casualidad y me ha enamorado ;-) He visto muchos videos interesantes por aquí, y espero pronto poder compartir yo tambien algunas cosillas que estoy intentando hacer.

No hay version del programa en español? o algún manual o tutorial?

Saludos y gracias!

Hi, I'm new to Muvizu, I discovered by chance and has fallen in love;-) I have seen many interesting videos here, and hopefully soon also be able to share some things I'm trying to do.

No version of the program in Spanish? or any manual or tutorial?

Greetings and thanks!

Sorry, traslate to english with google
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