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Muvizu chat

    • Over a year ago
    • windows 7 home, 64bit, amd dual core 2.2ghz, 16 gig free, ATI RadeonHD 4200 Graphics, directx 11. Installed full 500meg version tonight and every time try to start it get error message HRSULT: 08007000B
      • Over a year ago by Mike_Num_5
      • Hmm, your specs are up to the mark, might be a corrupt download/installation. Try uninstalling Muvizu and deleting your installer and re-download. Hopefully that will solve it. Let us know how you get on, or if you need anything! :)
      • 1 week ago by mira23
      • Word hurdle game is unique in that you can try an unlimited number of incorrect words and correct them until the proper word is found. https://wordhurdle.co