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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Another Totally FREE Asset from Drewi.

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23/09/2022 19:05:34

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 306

Stop a war?
There are many Wars going on across our planet everyday. Muvizu reaches all corners of the globe. If you are affected by one, change the flags to whatever country. Remember to change the coffin and curtain flags. Film several of one flag then change flags and film again joining the films to make a powerful meme...peace out..drewi.
29/11/2022 20:40:56

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 306
Rather amazingly this had a handful of downloads until the other day then suddenly shot up to over 200 virtually overnight.
Such a pain one can no longer upload assets here.
26/12/2024 20:13:10

Posts: 1
Interesting concept, Drewi! It’s inspiring to see creative projects like these aiming for a global impact. For those of us collaborating internationally, tools like WhatsApp mod apk can be helpful for quick communication and sharing updates about such projects. Additionally, using Muvizu to create impactful visuals alongside strategic social media campaigns can amplify the message effectively. Keep up the great work!
edited by hazomm on 2024/12/26
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Another Totally FREE Asset from Drewi.