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Home ? Feedback ? Stop breathing, and hold that POSE!!!

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24/08/2011 23:36:38

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
Hello fellow creatives....

Do you get frustrated when trying to give the illusion that your character is
Holding an object? and then have your illusion Busted because your characters
Hand moves with the automated breathing?
Yeah, I know, it's crap isn't it trying to move your gun in sync with the hand.

Dear muvizu, can we stop the breathing? Lovely Jubbly!!!

I'm still working on a spoof, and I would love it!!! If we could hold every pose,
Love it!!!

Thanks, artpen
25/08/2011 01:58:04

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
100% in agreement. Would have made my videos much easier.
25/08/2011 03:10:06

mystoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 471
artpen wrote:
Hello fellow creatives....

Do you get frustrated when trying to give the illusion that your character is
Holding an object? and then have your illusion Busted because your characters
Hand moves with the automated breathing?
Yeah, I know, it's crap isn't it trying to move your gun in sync with the hand.

Dear muvizu, can we stop the breathing? Lovely Jubbly!!!

I'm still working on a spoof, and I would love it!!! If we could hold every pose,
Love it!!!

Thanks, artpen

What He Said
25/08/2011 08:56:39

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Also moving the head swivels the body, meaning the arms move away from the object.

I've just had to import inferior skeletons from sketchup rather than use the Muvizu ones as the buggers wouldn't stop breathing.
25/08/2011 12:42:22

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease do not remove the breathing completely. One of the things I like so much about the software is that the characters don't just stand there like statues. It adds a touch of realism.

Perhaps an option to turn off breathing would be helpful, just as you can turn off blinking, but I've found a number of poses where the character holds still anyway so it's not much of an issue.
edited by Danimal on 25/08/2011
25/08/2011 13:21:37

jonbezMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 201
Nice solution would be if their was a link feature added in a future version.

...Possible functionality...
Move and rotate your object into place near your left or right hand. Select both the character and object and then hit the link object to bone key. This brings up a popup for the attach object feature. The Popup would allow you to select the desired bone to attach too. IE left or right hand.

Feature could be extended to attach objects to other body parts like head bone, spline bone.

THis would open up alot of possibilities.
25/08/2011 13:30:26

(Account inactive)
Posts: 346
Danimal wrote:
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease do not remove the breathing completely. One of the things I like so much about the software is that the characters don't just stand there like statues. It adds a touch of realism.

Perhaps an option to turn off breathing would be helpful, just as you can turn off blinking, but I've found a number of poses where the character holds still anyway so it's not much of an issue.
edited by Danimal on 25/08/2011

Good suggestion - I've added it to the HUGE list of suggested improvements. As ever, no promises, but it would be good to see this.
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Home ? Feedback ? Stop breathing, and hold that POSE!!!