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15/08/2012 18:59:49

Posts: 11
OK so obviously I'm a total noob, but have finally figured out my way around the Timeline and how you can use it to edit event. Simple question... can you cut and past events in the timeline or edit them in any ways other than:

1. Right click to edit start point
2. Move the actions by selecting and dragging
3. Delete specific actions by selecting and deleting

Are there any that I am missing? I'd love to be able to extend animation duration or cut and past specific selected animations. Is that possible in Muvizu? If not can you snazzy developers add it to the wish list??? I hate asking or things from free software developers. GOtta say this is the coolest peice of free software I've ever used. Bravo Muvizu!
15/08/2012 20:41:37

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Xpander (Now there's a super villain name !) - You're pretty much there. You can move them about or delete them.

What I tend to do when recording character actions is to click "telepathy" or whatever and then immediately click "idle". That way you end up with a very short telepathy action which gets cut short by the idle. I then move (or often delete) the idle to make the animation play out it's full course or cut it short where I want it to end.

You can adapt some animations to look like other things this way.
15/08/2012 21:15:39

Posts: 11
Great suggestion! Never fails to amaze me how helpful people are on this forum. I'll give it a whirl tonight.
23/08/2012 13:35:39

JamieMuvizu staff
(Account inactive)
Posts: 609
As you listed, that's pretty much all you can do with the timeline at present. The things you are asking for are things we have considered a few times but to make them a reality is a complicated business. We're certainly looking at them with interest but as of yet we don't have a solid plan to make them happen.

In the short term, ukBerty's suggestions are excellent and very useful.

Welcome to the site btw Xpander

Direct, don't animate!
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? 2nd Post.. 2nd Question... I'm Cluless Today!