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Home ? Tech Help ? Can't complete the download!!

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22/12/2012 22:06:44

Posts: 2
Trying to complete the download. My system meets all the parameters, but I keep getting the following message:

C:\Users\Alkor\Downloads\MuvizuSetupDXDotNetFull_2012.11.19.01R(2).exe.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

Try again later, or contact the server administrator.

Any tech Gods out there? I tried sacrificing a chicken, but all that did was annoy the chicken and make it rain.
22/12/2012 23:09:12

Posts: 2
Never mind. I figured it out. Don't use Mozilla was the trick. Used Chrome and it worked perfectly.
24/12/2012 14:07:15

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
Glad you figured it out. I've ALWAYS had trouble downloading anything from the Muvizu site. I've ALWAYS needed to use a download manager to make it work.

Why do the servers at Muvizu stop the downloads every 10 - 20 seconds?
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Home ? Tech Help ? Can't complete the download!!