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Home ? Importing Assets ? How to import a .step file on Muvizu

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03/05/2013 12:22:36

Posts: 133
Hi all Muvizuers,

I tried to find a topic related to this subject, but I don't find it. I model object with software like Autocad who can only be exported in Zip or in .step. So, I wanna know if it's possible to import .step file on Muvizu (and if yes, how) ?

Thank you for your help !
03/05/2013 12:41:38

NeilExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 396
I'm afraid we only support .ASE models at the moment, although we're looking at supporting other formats in the future. I'm sorry to say that .STEP is unlikely to be one of them, however.

I did go looking to see if you could maybe import .STEP files into Sketchup however, as you could then export it from there as a .ASE file, and I found this. The process looks a bit long and complicated, but it might just be what you need:
03/05/2013 13:01:19

Posts: 133
I think I have an idea, I will transform my .STEP fil into a .STL file, then open it with blender and export it in .ASD !!!

I wish it will work, because I will have a lot of stuff to give to Muvizu
03/05/2013 23:48:06

Posts: 133
It worked !

For all the people who wanna transform a .step, a .stp file or a .obj file into Muvizu , use Blender, intall this (to install it, you have to follow the step on the 'Read Me' file.

Then, you only import your object in Blender, and export it in .asd file

I wish this will help a lot of people like me !!!
edited by Dwarf on 03/05/2013
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Home ? Importing Assets ? How to import a .step file on Muvizu