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Home ? Collaboration Requests ? collaborate???

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27/05/2013 14:52:08

Posts: 1
Would anyone be willing to collaborate on a project roughly 22 minutes in length? I already have most of the sets done and I have the voices overs from the voice acting alliance.

Here is a link to the script

Some of the lines will need to be re-arranged or cut out to get it under 22 minutes, but that is the basic script. And some things from the script will probably have to be changed to get around the limitations of characters holding objects.

Like I said, I already have the voice overs, and most of the sets, although my sets are kind of simple. In the past I've tried starting this project in 2d format, but it was just to difficult to do by myself. I'm hoping that Muvizu will make things easier.
edited by squadshow on 27/05/2013
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Home ? Collaboration Requests ? collaborate???