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Home ? How Do I ...? ? fbx export mesh become a flicker

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19/11/2013 17:18:08

Posts: 36
hello all ;-)

if i create an objekt in blender and I import it as fbx file for muvizu - the object has a flicker across the surface
can you help me ?
what am I doing wrong

when I work without subdivison surface - then it is normal - but then my object is not smooth enough. even if I only put one smooth - it is the object flicker
would be grateful for help
thank you
19/11/2013 17:52:00

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
flicker I am not sure what that means but you can use smoothing etc and avoid subdivision of subsurface if you like. This is mostly after experience you start to learn tricks. Put enough vertex on to get your desired appearance and use smoothing and smooth shading to try to do the rest and then use normal maps as well to help in the way the object looks.

Also are you triangulating your objects? this might be a cause of some problems as well. ?

since unreal is good for mid resolution and low resolution (it really depends on your pc)

200-1,500 face for a small object
15,000-35,000 for a large object

this is triangles not polygon count I am being a bit generous with allowance as really at the end of the day it depends on the pc
19/11/2013 18:01:46
