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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How do I put a Muvizu Character into reality?

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11/02/2014 15:30:59

Posts: 1
TWIMC or to anybody that is reading this...and that can help of course...right, so my question is, "how do you put a Muvizu character in real life movies" ...I have seen it done before, REAL people are talking, and then a Muvizu Character walks and stands next to them...How do I make them appear in a movie like that?
11/02/2014 17:10:39

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
You need to familiarise yourself with green screen techniques and use a video editor such as Sony Vegas.
11/02/2014 19:36:16

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
You can also put a character in front of a backdrop which is playing an avi - possibly on an inivisible block.
12/02/2014 09:52:39

Posts: 43
When I have combined real life and muvizu, I've used Sony Vegas. There are lots of editors that do green screen but vegas happened to be the one I already had.
Don't know if you have vegas but for reference, the link below has a youtube vid from Guerillabill showing how to do green screen (he's adding a person to a studio background but the principle is the same).

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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How do I put a Muvizu Character into reality?