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01/09/2010 13:23:30

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
The new site is a definite improvement and more closely matches the style of the software which can only be a good thing.
Usability and "pleasurability" have both been improved considerably by the the "bigger" and less cluttered design.
I think the asset sharing idea is still a strong one and I like the idea of separate areas for audio, scripts etc however if this ever takes off it will need a directory structure to allow it to be useable.
We even have mogul status to aspire to now!
all the best
01/09/2010 14:29:45

Posts: 698
Hi Toonarama,

I am glad you like the new site; Des and Ian were nearly worked to death by Kerry

The thing that I think makes a lot of difference is one of the smaller changes; the Download, Tutorials and Forum buttons are now always visible.

A directory structure would make a lot of sense if users do have a lot of assets - I have passed that idea on.

Take care,
edited by glasgowjim on 9/1/2010
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Home ? Feedback ? new site design