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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How do I turn of Gravity for a character?

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02/03/2017 15:51:52

Posts: 22
I have to sit characters, they overlap with the sofa badly when i turn off the "step on" into the couch, otherwhise the collider of the couch its too big and then the character floats.

I decided to turn on the STEP on, and then turn of gravity for characters so they dont fall and overlap and stay put.

Can onyone help?

My goal its to sit characters.

02/03/2017 16:37:04

ikesMuvizu mogul
Posts: 282

In muvizu there is no gravity that you can turn on or off. Characters in a sitting position don't really sit ON objects, they're just in that pose whether there is a object or not. You need to adjust the size of the object to make it look they sit on it. If you turn on "can be stood on" they will not be able to sit on it, because their feet will be on top of the invisible collision shape of the object.
edited by ikes on 02/03/2017
02/03/2017 17:02:50

Posts: 22
Thanks, I will try as you say!


ikes wrote:

In muvizu there is no gravity that you can turn on or off. Characters in a sitting possition don't really sit ON objects, they're just in that pose weather there is a object or not. You need to adjust the size of the object to make it look they sit on it. If you turn on "can be stood on" they will not be able to sit on it, because their feet will be on top of the invisible collision shape of the object.
29/03/2017 03:29:49

Posts: 2
Here is a little trick i learned from somewhere on the forum. It works for many applications. (or maybe I just stumbled onto it...)?
In this case, create your character, "prepare" the character to "sit".
Now create a pencil, ( or other small object ), go to its Physics menu and check the "can be stood on" and "floats in the air" boxes. In Properties, uncheck the "visible" box.
Grab the pencil and raise it up to any elevation, (waist high to the character will do )
Now raise the character so his/her feet stand on the pencil.
Group the pencil and character together. Move the pencil up or down until the character is sitting properly in the chair or wherever you want it.
This works for a character laying down or flying as well. It can be used in many creative ways. Just remember to put the pencil under the feet. Good luck...
29/03/2017 03:42:30

Posts: 2
Oops! Forgot......Make sure that whatever you sit the character on has its "can be stood on" unchecked. Otherwise, the collision properties will keep the character a small amount from the object its going to sit on....Cheers
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? How do I turn of Gravity for a character?