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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Selling my assets

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11/04/2020 00:01:22

DigiFactorMuvizu mogulMuvizu staff
Posts: 135
Ok anyone who is looking to buy my assets from my website, sorry for the inconvenience, but my website didn't make enough funds to continue the service, I had it fixed to where the service would be auto paid from my paypal account,I'm not able to pay from pocket due to my bills that I pay every month, so with that said I created an account with Gumroad to sell my assets.

Right now I only have one asset uploaded to the service for a test run to see if this is what I want to do until I get my site back up, and that is Predator Young Blood, the update to my Predator Character, the link down below should take you to the purchase page, the character is only $2, so if like a copy please give the link a try to help me test this, Hopefully this will help me make enough funds to reopen my site!

Predator Young Blood ($2)

here is the link to the page as well!

if you don't get the download just contact me with a picture of the purchase at and I will send you the download.

Thank you and yaw have a Bless Day!

edited by DigiFactor on 2020/4/11
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Home ? Competitions, Events & News ? Selling my assets