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21/11/2011 16:32:00

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
Here's something that has always bugged me, why not throw it out there and see if anyone else agrees or if it can make the next update.

The characters have a host of smaller movements, such as turnaround, adjustment steps, etc. These are great.

What's up with the side turns though? What kind of goofy little slight angles are these? No one on Earth turns that way. If a person wants to see something slightly off to the side, he turns his head. When a person turns his body, he turns completely to the side. 90 degrees.

I've gotten pretty good at swinging characters wide so that they can turn while walking, but that's also not terribly realistic.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
21/11/2011 17:11:27

Posts: 176
Well, there are probably people that do use it as a function. I'm glad it's there because it makes having characters turn in precise increments on the spot a lot easier. If I ever get around to making my Knightmare video it'll be really handy :P

What is it that you'd like to see happen with the movement system? Are the movements too sharp in your opinion or are they too precise?
21/11/2011 17:18:29

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
The movement system is fine and I love the new addition of the double click to move the character to a point.

It's in the side turns. For instance: character walks up to a couch, parallel to it. This is normal. However, in order to sit down he has to slight side turn, slight side turn, slight side turn, sit.

Nobody moves this way. If people wants to see something slightly off to the side, they turn their heads and look that way. If they turn to the side, they do just that, turn completely to the side. The above situation should go, walk up to couch, 90 degree turn, sit.

I just don't get the slight side turns as no one anywhere moves that way. "Hmm, something just happened 10 degrees to my right. I think I'll turn my entire body in that direction." People only turn when they're making full 90 degree quarter turns. It just seems this would make for a much more natural movement system. Again, everything else is marvelous.
21/11/2011 19:28:25

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Turning by degrees - that would be my suggestion. Rather than a fixed 45/90/180 degree turn, have a variable turn determined by the number you'd set before the Movement animation. Or maybe have a circle of points, each one 5 degrees apart, to give you a bit more subtlety and realism when turning - you would click on the total amount you want to turn, like 25 degrees, rather than do 5 degrees at a time (unless that's what you wanted). I totally agree with Danimal on this one - no one moves like the characters move, except incontinent robots
21/11/2011 23:54:51

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
Even better! Almost like having a clock around the character and you can click at any "time" to turn the character that direction and by that much. FANTASTIC idea!
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