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22/12/2009 20:57:49

jonbezMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 201

First off congratulations on muvizu its a great little tool for making fun movies.

I was wondering what can be done with in the competition rules and what cant be done.

As muvizu only allows 4 cameras to one set. If i made my movie with more than 1 set. Like If I used 4 sets it would enable me to have 16 camera angles.

But of course this would not play as one movie it would be 4 small movie parts. Would it be breaking the rules if i put the 4 small movie parts into one movie

using a 3rd party app ?

Are we able to use 3rd party apps to add credits and title screen things like that, because its would be a shame to use up 2 or more cameras just for that ?

Do u plan on releasing a muvizu character in future version for max or maya so users can add the own animations.

thanks in advance

Jon Bez
edited by jonbez on 12/22/2009
edited by jonbez on 12/22/2009
23/12/2009 12:23:55

Muvizu_AdminMuvizu staff
Posts: 100
Dear Jon -

Thanks for your comments about our alpha app, they are much appreciated. As regards the competition, I am sorry to say that your video should be made entirely in Muvizu, which means that you won't be able to add credits or title screens - that info will have to go in the description of the film.

Although this won't be of much consolation to you, we plan to launch our beta version in mid-February and this has an edit/splice tool bolted on to it, plus a much more sophisticated timeline and the ability to override any gesture or animation selected automatically by the app.

There is nothing to stop you making the video you'd like, using third-party apps, and publishing it to our site or YouTube - but that "director's cut" version won't be allowed in the competition.

I hope that you will still stick with us, and submit an entry to the comp.

Very best regards,

The Muvizu team

PS: And yes, we did use a third-party app for our rolling credits on our festive video (on the home page).
23/12/2009 16:54:51

jonbezMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 201
Thank you for the quick response.

I still plan to make an entry for the competition but will keep it will in the muvizu app only. Thanks for the info.

I'll also be looking forward to your February release.
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