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17/10/2012 16:00:10

Posts: 7
hello everyone. never have been on a forum before. New to the program but have been learning quickly. anyone have a horse as an object
17/10/2012 20:12:29

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Hi perri, welcome aboard

We don't usually do object trading on here (copyright issues, intellectual property, etc etc) so your best bet is to import it yourself using Sketchup - this covers it

If that's not your bag, or you can't get anyone to make one for you (horses are tricky) then start pleading with Muvizu to include horses (or a quadruped character with interchangeable heads/tails, which is my vote personally. Lots of animals out there could be covered by just one new character...). There's a lot of different requests across the forums, as I'm sure you're already noticed, so patience is advised
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