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20/01/2014 19:10:05

Posts: 520
ninamag wrote:

without being able to "make muvizu in sony vegas", one should be able to open muvizu .set files in vegas (at least i think it is programmably possible, if the programmers want it so).

It isn't possible. Vegas is a video editing software package, Muvizu is a 3D animation creation tool with a proprietary file type .SET. It would be like trying to use a vegetable juicer to build a bicycle.
20/01/2014 19:11:44

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
ninamag wrote:
ziggy72 wrote:
I no longer use movie codecs at all, and use TGA sequences instead (to avoid the dreaded 2gb file size limit, which at 1080 you hit after about 20 seconds of footage).
edited by ziggy72 on 20/01/2014

you mean muvizu does not use by default TGA? If so, how does one manually use TGA instead of movie codecs?

When you go to make your movie, you have options - output it as a movie or as a TGA sequence. It's in a drop down box.
20/01/2014 19:12:14

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
ninamag wrote:
fazz68 wrote:
no. why would it? two totally different programs that do totally different things. unless theres some magical thing im missing and i can make muvizu sets in sony vegas

without being able to "make muvizu in sony vegas", one should be able to open muvizu .set files in vegas (at least i think it is programmably possible, if the programmers want it so).

The assets are openable in any software the sets are not and should not be since the entire purpose of muvizu is to be a render engine. Also any animations would be impossible as sony vegas is just a film editor. Set files are created so we can make videos or targa sequences for use which sony vegas has no issue with. The set is a means to an end but if one says open sets in vegas then why not just avoid and bypass muvizu altogether . The reality is though no vegas would not be able to handle this information lighting, animations, objects. After affects and a few other programs can handle some 3d single objects that is as far as it goes though.
20/01/2014 19:14:08

Posts: 520
ninamag wrote:

you mean muvizu does not use by default TGA? If so, how does one manually use TGA instead of movie codecs?

No it doesn't, because in most cases it would be overkill.

Check out the "Make Video"/ "Advanced" options. Also try watching the How-to-tutorials in the Help section.
29/09/2016 19:51:19

Posts: 12
I use Sony Vegas pro exclusively. I output Muvizu in the regular MP4 format and it loads right into Vegas with no problems. I output in Vegas in Mainconcept avc and it always works like a charm with any file I throw at it.

Well I feel stupid as a newbie answering a 4 year old question. LOL I will leave it here anyway.
edited by daddycoolj on 29/09/2016
26/07/2024 11:37:46

Posts: 1
It sounds like you’re having trouble with video glitches in Sony Vegas Pro 12. Since you’ve tried different formats and settings, it could be a codec issue. Consider converting your clips to a more editing-friendly format like DNxHD or ProRes before importing them. Codec issues are a top search topic, so exploring video editing forums might offer more solutions. Updating your software or trying a different version might also help.
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