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Home ? How Do I ...? ? movement issue

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16/10/2014 14:07:55

Posts: 1
I am new to Muvizu and created a new scene. Added movement. On the timeline it is in place, when I move my mouse I can see my character moves as I wanted. However when I play the whole scene... it stays still... Am I missing anything obvious here pls?
edited by mariuszkuriata on 16/10/2014
16/10/2014 15:11:37

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
I'm afraid you have hit a fundamental bug in the software - sometimes characters just stand there.

It seems to be triggered by editing the movement track, but we don't know why. The fix is to copy the character and do the movements again.

I always do movements before I do actions and I only rarely hit this issue - maybe that's the secret.

I know it's a pain and I'm sure Muvizu will fix it eventually.
20/10/2014 20:38:27

Posts: 57
see this thread:

It could also be a "drag" vs. "double-click" issue.
Dragging seems to cause the bug. Double-clicking doesn't.

Haven't tested this myself, but it's worth a try.
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Home ? How Do I ...? ? movement issue