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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? YouTube adverts

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03/09/2010 08:32:24

Posts: 24
I've just been contacted by YouTube to see if I want to allow adverts on a video I created using Muvizu, which is nice because it means people are watching it. However, in filling out the form I'm not sure if I have the right to do this. I read an interview with Vince Ryan online and quote:

" Because the more people who use it, the more likely it is that someone will create something that goes stellar. It’s at that point where a Muvizu creation makes money — when we come knocking on the door to get our cut."

Now, I haven't gone "stellar", but is this the kind of thing you want a cut on and how would it work?

03/09/2010 09:16:03

Posts: 123
muddybunny wrote:
I haven't gone "stellar", but is this the kind of thing you want a cut on and how would it work?

Yes, this is the kind of thing for which we would want our cut. As it says in our terms: "Muvizu-related revenue includes, but is not limited to, monies earned from sales, services, training, advertisements, sponsorships, endorsements, memberships, subscription fees and rentals."

As it happens, we've had a surge of similar cases and are collaborating with these users to build up enough data with which to inform a revenue-sharing model that works. We want something that's fair and beneficial to both parties and which doesn't impose a disproportionate administrative burden on either.

At the moment, then, we're dealing directly with each user as an individual case. When we have a sound model, one that works for us and for our users, we'll nail down the specifics in our terms and implement a simple system for all to use.

Thank you for contacting us about this, it's so much more civilised a way to start a relationship than it is to be woken up in bed by strange men shining torches in your eyes ;-)

Thanks again, I'll message you.
edited by pyrrho on 9/3/2010
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Home ? Publishing Your Video ? YouTube adverts