Would you use a market place on Muvizu.com?

Yes, to buy content: 6
Yes, to sell content: 2
Yes, to buy and sell content: 19
No: 3
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17/11/2015 16:18:18

JamieExperimental userMuvizu staff
Posts: 151
A few months ago, we reached out to a select few on the Muvizu site to ask how they would feel about the "Get Asset" section of the site being converted into a "Market Place".

At the time the feedback was positive, but we had very few details to give out so, over all, the feedback was more a way of giving us a feeling of how appreciated such a feature would be. This showed us that it would be greatly appreciated.

Since them we've been working away, on the site, by converting Get Assets into a Store (which gives us the first stage of a market place) and also on the behind the scene on how we process payments and handle everything in the backend.

We're now at the point where its all working quite successfully. We've released several content packs on the store and had a enough purchases go through our systems to feel confident that we can ramp things up to the next level: A Market Place.

So now we'd like to start a conversation with you guys. So here's some questions to get the ball rolling:

How many people would consider using a Market Place? We've added a little poll here to get a sense of that.

Would you create new assets or repurpose your existing assets?

Would you prefer to build 'content packs' or submit items one by one?

What would you submit? A purpose built scene or an individual asset?

What would you expect from it? What's your ideas?
17/11/2015 16:30:56

Posts: 272
I would use it to purchase items. I figure those that happened to take the time
to create items should get something in return.and
since my modeling talents
are well let's just say
very sub par lol I would
use the store quite a bit
in the future. When I am
back full time.
17/11/2015 17:24:45

Posts: 13
If you put in a market place I would use it to buy packs and Individual items.

As I've just got the hang of how to Import asserts I would like the Idea of being able to upload asserts for free to share or you could sell and MZ take a set amount from the sale of an assert.

Personaly I'm starting to make my own content packs, but being able to upload Individual Items would be a nice touch.
17/11/2015 17:35:14

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
It's a great idea, and might be the push I need to get into 3D model design!
One by one may be easier, but selling the items together means more likely profit. As for selling whole sets or just content packs/assets, I think it needs more experimentation on what's the most popular for people to buy.

In terms of page layout, it would be nice if there were more space on screen for the assets/packs. Either by making the thumbnails smaller or allowing more per page as you scroll down?
Another thing I've just thought of is adding categories, as used in the the Muvizu application organizing the preset sets.

I'd love to make money from videos, but I can't see how the store would come into that, so I'll bring that up at some point in the future.

As always, I'm delighted to see the staff interacting with users!
17/11/2015 17:40:29

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
I doubt anyone would be interested in anything I create so selling wouldn't be anything I'd worry about. Downloading and using, yes, but I'm not all that free-flowing with my money so I'd probably stick to the freebies.
17/11/2015 17:55:58

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
I would make original content not repurpose. I think going down the repurposing thing is asking people to purchase assets more then once so if it was repurposed it would need to be significantly changed. Any muvizu assets I do not think are appropriate for "repurposing" because we cannot alter them significantly so this feel like it would be a rip off to me.

With them "other softwares" the rules are usually quite strict about what assets they allow people to repurpose and require that the assets be significantly changed in some way. At the moment the only "repurposing" which i see as appropriate is the uvmaps muvizu has released for its characters so that people can make entirely new textures etc so this is a significant change. Any furniture created by muvizu really can't be appropriately repurposed as you can only change the size, rotation and colour.

I also would like to see some sort of minimum standard of quality go into assets and some guidelines published by muvizu central and a cert program of some sort that people need to go through to meet the minimum standards. After that occurs and people pass the litmus test they probably will be safe to be self governed unless there is a complaint or digimania/muvizu gets a takedown notice or something

So that is my 2 cents. I dont want to see people buying stuff taking it out of the package building something out of it and not having done anything except what amounts to "rearranging the furniture" in the living room and calling it "new" If your going to give my living room a face lift I expect you to at least repaint it, change the upholstery on my chairs at least and maybe sand down the coffee table and refinish it

I also would like the ability to sell a content package not just a set. If I were to make content I would assemble it into a set but also give the bits and pieces seperately.

Also when it comes to giving out models and sets we need a system in place to allow for appropriate permissions. (copy,modfiy, redistribute) stuff. This would of course take care of any "repurposing" issues LOL.

I guess I should add one last thing regarding "repurposing" if say I make a widget and release it so that it can be repurposed eg: with uvmaps etc and in such a way that the person can change it significantly. There would need to be a system in place that would allow for the original creator to get a percentage of the earnings if his widget is repurposed and resold on the market place. Otherwise its not nice LOL. So again back to the muvizu character textures. Muvizu went to the trouble of making the characters and a pile of animations and then released the UVMAP so that people can make new clothes. In this case muvizu should get a percentage and the texture creator should get a percentage. Since its a remix basically.

The decision of whether the item can be repurposed or not should be left to the original creator though. If he doesn't want people to sell his widget again with a new texture then this should be accounted for too..

okay now I guess I am up to maybe 5 cents.
edited by urbanlamb on 17/11/2015
17/11/2015 18:55:18

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
I like the quality control idea mooted by Urbanlamb.
I think sets, content packs and individual items should be sold.
Also there should still be a free section given equal space/prestige.
17/11/2015 19:31:46

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Quality control - yes. Everything should be vetted first, as it still happens with movies. As for multiple items - I would love to be able to use zip files to upload bunches of textures, rather than have to do each variant individually (which I had to do recently for the RAF stuff). Same goes for sets and models. Content packs save time and are more appealing than single items, I think. And as Urban says, ownership of the assets have to be clear, and they should actually be significantly different from the standard assets that already ship with the program.
17/11/2015 20:11:42

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
Hi All

Thank you for your comments and ideas.

There are some challenges we face here at Muvizu HQ regarding transaction fees from our payment gateways, and how we package the assets.

With all payment gateways there is a set transaction fee and then a percentage of the transaction. The transaction fee and percentage fluctuates depending on the type of payment and also the type of credit card used. There is also European VAT regulations which have to be adhered to for purchases from inside the EU.

With this in mind it makes more sense to sell higher value assets or a collection of assets to form a pack.

We have been discussing the idea of standardising the definition of what a pack contains and also the global pricing structure.

In regards to distribution as well as the .com site we will give the creator the option to have the assets sold on our overseas distributors sites, and if the content is suitable via our distribution networks into the educational technology market.

Exciting times.
17/11/2015 21:13:24

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
I think it would also be worth approaching 3rd party asset makers.
There are a number of companies and individuals making low poly assets aimed
At the games market. Although they could not sell their characters they could sell
Props although they would need to be converted. For example www.bitgem.com.
As muvizu assets are locked in they will be prepared to sell cheaper probably than on the
Unity asset store. They certainly take this approach with Iclone
18/11/2015 15:58:28

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
Possibly you have considered and discounted this idea - but what about selling Muvizu animations and/or props in FBX format for use in external applications. I'm sure they would sell well.
18/11/2015 16:09:47

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
toonarama wrote:
Possibly you have considered and discounted this idea - but what about selling Muvizu animations and/or props in FBX format for use in external applications. I'm sure they would sell well.

Hi Toonarama

This is not 100 miles away from some ideas we have been discussing!
18/11/2015 16:20:50

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
PCollimonster wrote:

This is not 100 miles away from some ideas we have been discussing!

Good to hear - I think the animations in particular would be good sellers. Most of the animations on sale are game based (fighting and er more fighting) and mostly "realistic". There is very little in the way of "cartoon" animations of any type. I guess the only problem would be that you are selling one of the best unique assets of the programme. I could also see that you could offer two types of licence: commercial and non-commercial.
18/11/2015 20:40:44

Posts: 35
PCollimonster wrote:
Hi All

Thank you for your comments and ideas.

There are some challenges we face here at Muvizu HQ regarding transaction fees from our payment gateways, and how we package the assets.

With all payment gateways there is a set transaction fee and then a percentage of the transaction. The transaction fee and percentage fluctuates depending on the type of payment and also the type of credit card used. There is also European VAT regulations which have to be adhered to for purchases from inside the EU.

With this in mind it makes more sense to sell higher value assets or a collection of assets to form a pack.

We have been discussing the idea of standardising the definition of what a pack contains and also the global pricing structure.

In regards to distribution as well as the .com site we will give the creator the option to have the assets sold on our overseas distributors sites, and if the content is suitable via our distribution networks into the educational technology market.

Exciting times.

I work with 2d/3d program devs on marketing and SEO. One of them uses https://www.paddle.com/pricing and they seem quite happy with the setup that is UK based. You might consider it as an option since it removes the issue of low priced items transaction costs.
19/11/2015 08:29:22

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
Hi from France

Yes, I'm very interested to sell content of any types (from a simple object to a complete content pack).

Quality control is a very good idea (for buyers AND for sellers).

Another idea : like Mogul or Tester, it would be interesting to add a "Content creator" status... I mean : a user you can trust as a good "3D builder" (sorry for my bad English).
19/11/2015 15:49:18

PCollimonsterExperimental user
Posts: 25
Hi All

What would you expect a single object to be priced at?
19/11/2015 15:51:09

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
50pence, but maybe I'm just a cheapskate
19/11/2015 16:24:55

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
Depends on the object and it's quality i suppose.
One can imagine two objects that are both undeniably swords say, but one being far more detailed than another and perhaps meriting different prices accordingly. but a quid an object seems ok.
19/11/2015 18:04:35

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
How about Polygons = Price? A simple object, less than a 1k polygons, could be capped to a max of £1. More complexity would justify the higher price.
19/11/2015 18:07:14

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
ziggy72 wrote:
How about Polygons = Price? A simple object, less than a 1k polygons, could be capped to a max of £1. More complexity would justify the higher price.

Yeah i would not agree with that more polygons can be exploited.
If I make a tin can out of 10k polygons it is definately not better then a tin can made out of 12 polygons. Since everything we make should be in fact low on polygons this is a very bad idea especially since models with less polygons are in fact usually better quality then models where people just dont know how to model and so use way too many polygons.

Detail is brought out with textures , normal maps etc polygons just hold the info

In summary a model made out of a lot of polygons may in fact be not as good as one where the creator took care to create an resource economical model and put a ton of work into baking out proper maps etc etc.
edited by urbanlamb on 19/11/2015
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