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Home ? Your Videos ? Secret Santa (advert for gamedev forum)

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25/11/2015 01:46:43

HayManMarcExperimental user
Posts: 128
I whipped this out in a day and a half. It's a 30 second advert for a game dev forum I participate in.

Now that it's produced, I see so much I'd like to change and tweak in it. But, alas, I'm lazy and I'll just leave it as is. Neat thing though, I can add little episodes to it, if I get the gumption and script ideas.

25/11/2015 12:03:47

DanimalMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 477
Simple but effective - nice!
26/11/2015 18:04:04

HayManMarcExperimental user
Posts: 128
Thanks, Danimal! I tried to spend as little time on it as possible. Haha
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Home ? Your Videos ? Secret Santa (advert for gamedev forum)