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02/04/2016 21:25:17

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
WOO HOO! ;-)

I found out how to make the background transparent so foliage images can be used in MUVIZU and you can see through the foliage as characters walk behind a bush or tree!

This video is a tutorial for a sister product called Howler... Particle9 is a subset of Howler, so the menus won't be the same, but the concept will work in Particle 9, you may have to experiment with the brush tool settings

Speaking of Howler... in my opinion this is one of the most innovative software packages I've seen in a long time! It's very object oriented and rules based, and the user can create their own rule sets that define how foliage and brushes and 3D landscapes and virtually everything is created!

And they have a way of starting with a flat graphic of fractal noise, then adding peaks and valleys to it based on light and dark colors to produce 3D topography, which can be exported as a Wavefront OBJ file! That would be very useful with Muvizu!

Given my philosophy that finding software which plays well with other software is the preferred way to build a strong set of creative options and tools for your video-making toolbox, I rate this software very highly! It adds capability that Muvizu doesn't have natively, so used together the result is bigger than the sum of the parts
03/04/2016 01:37:06

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
HOLY MOLY! Check out this other product by the same company!

This would be great for people who don't know how to model, but they still want to create custom content for Muvizu!
06/04/2016 12:33:19

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Today only....Another interesting one from gaotd works as stand alone,... filterforge 4 pro filters.....also works integrated into photo shop. maybe for other art packages.
one of the filters has a cartoony setting.....
edited by drewi on 06/04/2016
06/04/2016 15:06:38

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
Today only....Another interesting one from gaotd works as stand alone,... filterforge 4 pro filters.....also works integrated into photo shop. maybe for other art packages.
one of the filters has a cartoony setting.....
edited by drewi on 06/04/2016

that DOES look interesting Drew! Thanks for the heads-up!

Here's a youtube video showing the product being used:
06/04/2016 18:56:03

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
drewi wrote:
Today only....Another interesting one from gaotd works as stand alone,... filterforge 4 pro filters.....also works integrated into photo shop. maybe for other art packages.
one of the filters has a cartoony setting.....
edited by drewi on 06/04/2016

Drew, have you had time to mess with this yet? The built-in textures and effects that get installed are minimal, BUT...

there is a link on the top right corner of the program that leads to a place where you can download and automatically install literally thousands of additional texture sets and effects! Most of which are tilable (great for putting grass and clouds in the environment)

There are also lots of building textures, many of which have see thru alpha, like fences etc that would be simple to slap onto a backdrop instead of creating a model... I think this will be very useful! Thanks again for pointing it out to us!
06/04/2016 23:58:06

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Thanks for the direction to other free available filters i hadn't realised .
A vast collection, I'm very pleased with this find....hours of fun.
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